Real Story

Dramatic makeover. Now it is your turn.

Forhair Real Story Receding hairline, 1400 grafts

FORHAIR FUE Hair Journey 


A Real Patient's Hair Transplant Timeline


We're honored to introduce our patient's experience. Hair results take time manifest, knowing the process can help alleviate concerns during recovery, allowing you to savor the gradual progres of hair growth







Age: In his early 30's


Nationality: American


Hair characteristics: Medium thick and straight hair





Hair transplant techinique: Forhair FUE with SLIT implantation 


Haircut style: Partial shave (under-cut)


Graft count: 1,404


Hair goal: Hairline restoration 


Selected hairline design: Slightly mature






Recipient area: grafts are implanted in the target area as designed with high density. The grafts (white balls) will transform into scabs that are to be removed on post-op day 14.


Donor area: the appearance of the wound will usually disappear within a week or two, and the shaved hair on the back of the head will grow back fairly quickly. The donor area does not require any post-operative care. It is normal for the donor area to feel sensitive for the first week.


Shampoo: The first wash is provided at the clinic the next day after FUE hair transplant. The washing process is similar to our daily shampoo routine, with the exception of avoiding contact with the grafts.




5 DAYS after FUE hair transplant


Scabs are formed at the recipient site, and they can be effectively concealed with hairstyling. The advantage of a partial shaven FUE is that you can maintain your hairstyle and cover the signs of the FUE hair transplant.




3 WEEKS after FUE hair transplant


The recipient site has become red and numb, with most of the transplanted hair shedding, leaving the area empty once more. The donor site is typically mostly healed, but at times, it causes itching.




3 MONTHS after FUE hair transplant


The redness at the recipient site has diminished. Fine hairs have started to appear, but their growth rates vary, and certain areas seem less dense than the other side. The long hairs are the transplanted ones that didn't shed. The donor site is almost at its normal condition, and sensation is returning to the recipient site




6 MONTHS after FUE hair transplant


Over the past three months, new hairs have emerged though it's not a full volume hairline. The newly grown hairs are still thinner and shorter than the surrounding hairs, but they can now be styled, and the new forehead shape is visible!




12 MONTHS - FUE hair transplant


Final result: fully matured new hairs! Creating the desired and designed new hairline. These new hairs blend with the existing hair, even though they are slightly thicker than the original front hairs. The new hairline has a slightly mature appearance, so when leaning forward, it appears mature, and when looking up, it appears straight. The increased hair volume at the temple corners makes it easy to achieve various hairstyles, including side-parting and others. 





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